Outbreaks of house mice (Mus domesticus) occur sporadically,and with highly variable intensity,location and extent,within cereal production regions of Australia.It is not feasible to use conventional scientific methods to monitor frequent changes in mouse abundance at all the necessary spatial scales,which range from individual farms to the entire continent.We have developed a MouseAlert web-site,and mobile-optimised web site (phone app) ,to collect surveillance data from farmers and to disseminate reports and forecasts of mouse abundance to farmers and agronomists.MouseAlert is designed for farmers to record information on mouse activity,damage to crops and recent on-farm mouse control.This information will be elicited during key periods in the cropping cycle: prior to sowing,during crop emergence and prior to harvest.Access to up-to-date information on mouse activity in their local area provides farmers with an incentive to use MouseAlert.In addition,farmers receive forecasts of the likelihood of a mouse outbreak in the coming season.Initial trials indicate potential for strong user uptake.Future developments will be improved regional-scale forecasts that combine qualitative information from farmers with the climatic data used in current predictive models.By building on recent advances in communications technology,MouseAlert will be a national surveillance and forecasting system with sufficient direct benefits to individual farmers to justify its sustained support by the grain-growing industry.