
来源 :第十三届全国量子化学会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mainoracle
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  σ 键是自旋相反的一对电子形成的束缚在一起的自旋单态,这种化学键是由两个原子轨道沿着轨道对称轴方向相互重叠而成,具有较大的重叠程度。σ电子对离子实的晶格振动非常敏感,与声子的作用很强,是稳定晶体结构的一个重要因素。
采用 CASSCF 和CASPT2 方法研究了Criegee 中间体CH2OO 的光化学反应机理。结果发现:CH2OO 受光激发到S2 态后,可发生O-O 键解离过程,并在O-O键断裂前后抵达S2 与S1 态间的交叉点;此时分子既可保持原Cs 对称性发生进一步解离,又可自发地沿C-O 键旋转的方向弛豫到S1 态,并趋向于形成垂直结构。
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One area of particular importance research in many areas of chemistry and biology science is the study of intermolecular non-covalent interactions.Density functional theory(DFT)methods have been prove
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A new Static-Dynamic-Static second order perturbation theory(SDSPT2)[1] based multi-reference Correlation computations have been implemented with the involvements of Graphical Uni tary Group Approach(
By applying first-principles method based on density functional theory combined with non-equilibrium Greens function(NEGF),we study the effect of torsion angle on the electronic transport properties o