Chinese sedimentologic and paleoceanographic researches in the western Arctic Ocean

来源 :2012中国极地科学学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:t60720372f
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  Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration (CAA) organized the 1st to 4th Chinese National Arctic Expeditions in 1999, 2003, 2008 and 2010, respectively.Some samples of box-cores, multi-cores and gravity-cores were collected in the western Arctic Ocean during these cruises for sedimentologic and paleoceanographic researches.A total of more than 140 samples from the surface sediments have been investigated on spatial distribution patterns in biogenic (CaCO3 and foraminiferal abundance, TOC, opal, planktonic oxygen and carbon isotopes and benthic assemblage, etc) and non-biogenic sediments (IRD and grain size, clay mineral, etc) and their relationship with recent environmental factors.These studies provide an important base for reconstruction of paleoceanography and paleoclimate in this area.Sediments often gravity cores collected in the western Arctic Ocean during these cruises have been studied on stratigraphy, sedimentology, micropaleontology, geochemistry, mineralogy and petrology, etc.Late Quaternary paleoceanographic changes in the Western Arctic Ocean (Chukchi Abyssal Plain, Chukchi Plateau and Alpha Ridges) are revealed by quantitative investigations on foraminiferal abundance, IRD and its mineralogical and petrological compositions, oxygen and carbon isotopes of N.pachyderma (sin.), biogenic and non-biogenic components.
结合中国第28次南极科学考察南大洋考察任务与计划安排,使用"雪龙"号船载SIMRAD EK500科学鱼探仪对南极半岛西部海域进行了南极磷虾资源走航声学调查,并结合拖网采样,开展了南极磷虾资源量评估.结果表明:在6.11×105 km2调查海域范围内,南极磷虾平均密度33.70 g/m2 (69.95 fish/m2),总资源量为2.06×107 t(4.27×1013 fish).其中以60.5°
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This study surveyed dimethylsulfide, dissolved and particulate dimethylsulfoniopropionate concentrations in the surface water of the Berling Sea and Chukchi Sea during the summer of 2012.The Surface w
北极高纬度地区是全球重要的海鸟活动区,海鸟粪为苔原土壤带来了丰富的养分,影响了苔原碳循环过程,但目前还未见有文献报道海鸟活动对北极苔原CO2通量的影响.2008和2009年夏笔者采用密闭箱法对北极新奥尔松地区(Ny-(A)lesund)鸟类保护区、海滩苔原、矿区、站区、伦敦岛、王湾洋面以及机场等区域的CO2、 CH4和N2O的近地面浓度时空变化进行了对比监测,判断这些区域对大气温室气体源汇的影响,
多环芳烃(Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,PAHs)是一类典型的持久性有毒物质(Persistent Toxic Substances,PTS),具有半挥发性和长距离迁移性,在"全球蒸馏"效应(即"蚱蜢跳"效应)的作用下,极地成为持久性有毒物质污染的敏感地区,因此,在没有明显PTS污染源的情况下,极地地区仍然受到了一定程度的PTS污染。本研究考察了南极菲尔德斯半岛
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