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自第二次世界大战结束至今60余年里,美国在世界经济、政治、军事等主要领域一直处于强势地位。在国际货币体系中,美元也一直作为主要国际货币的“硬通货”。国际要素市场、大宗商品交易市场的商品价格都以美元计价、结算。从而,长期来,大多数国家都以美元作为外汇储备,且大量购人美国各种金融资产的国家不在少数。这样的势态逐渐形成了三个方面的事实:其一,国际上对美元需求持续增加,而美元供给从未短缺,这是说明美国政府投放美元从未间断;其二,通过出售金融资产,美国在国际上吸收、利用了大量国外资金,以致国外资金可以在相当程度上成为美国政府赤字预算的支撑;其三,由于美元持续大量投放,相应的国际通货膨胀隐患一直在不断加剧。 For more than 60 years since the end of World War II, the United States has been in a strong position in the major fields of world economy, politics and military affairs. In the international monetary system, the dollar has also been used as the “hard currency” of major international currencies. International factor markets, commodities trading market commodity prices are denominated in dollars, settlement. Therefore, in the long term, most countries use the U.S. dollar as their foreign exchange reserve, and there are not many other countries that make large purchases of various kinds of financial assets in the United States. This situation gradually formed three facts: First, the international demand for the United States continued to increase, while the supply of dollars has never been absent, which shows that the U.S. government has never stopped putting dollars; second, through the sale of financial assets, the United States Absorption and utilization of a large amount of foreign funds in the world have made it possible that foreign funds can to a considerable degree be supported by the budget deficit of the U.S. government. Thirdly, as the U.S. dollar continues to be heavily used, corresponding international inflation risks have been aggravating.