Effect of fasudil combined with nitroglycerin on radial artery spasm during transradial coronary int

来源 :第八届北京五洲国际心血管病会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vergillove
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  Background The Rho/Rho-kinase signaling pathway is known to be involved in the pathogenesis of radial artery spasm.The usefulness of fasudil in combination with conventional vasodilating agents has not been fully examined in patients with radial artery spasm.Methods A total of 30 patients (mean age, 61+/-11 years) with documented radial artery spasm during transradial coronary intervention.Radial artery diameter at the spasm site was measured at baseline and after the administration of vasodilator agents in the following order: nitroglycerin(NTG) (200 microg), intravenous fasudil (30 mg, n=15, fasudil group) or saline (n=15, saline group), and again NTG during radial artery angiography.Result The increase in diameter observed following the first NTG administration was found to be similar in the fasudil and saline groups (38.3+/-23.5% and 42.3+/-17.1%, respectively).The additional change in diameter on fasudil treatment (16.9+/-11.2% increase over the diameter after the first NTG administration) was significantly larger than that with saline (-2.8+/-7.6%, P<0.001).The second administration of NTG did not affect the diameter of the spasm site in either group.Conclusions Fasudil further dilated the site of radial artery spasm, which had already been treated with NTG in patients with radial artery spasm.These findings support and extend the previous results that showed the feasibility of employing fasudil as a novel therapeutic approach for radial artery spasm.
  Objective To investigate the role of activated complement system after myocardial infarction in mice.Methods Themodel of myocardial infarction was copied by
  研究背景 二尖瓣装置是一组结构复杂、功能协调的解剖学结构,其中二尖瓣环是其重要组成部分.既往缺乏合理有效的技术手段对二尖瓣环形变情况进行观测,二尖瓣环结构和功能的
<正> 美军认为,保障对其武装力量实施可靠指挥的途径之一,是广泛采用卫星通信工具。这类通信工具可为位于地球任何地点、空中和宇宙空间的美军各级用户建立和保持通信联络(电