通过用圆(或椭圆)孔试件测量金属薄板平面应力断裂韧性Kc的方法,与通过用中心穿透裂纹试件Kc的标准方法相比较之后,将Whitney和Nuismer用于复合层压板中的点应力破坏准则,推广到铝合金薄板Kc的测量。 在理论和实验分析的基础上,拟合出与实验结果相一致的经验公式。
The method of measuring the plane stress fracture toughness, Kc, of a sheet metal by means of a circular (or elliptical) hole specimen was compared to the standard method of penetrating a crack specimen Kc by a center, and then Whitney and Nuismer were used for the points in the composite laminate Stress failure criterion, extended to the measurement of aluminum alloy sheet Kc. Based on the theoretical and experimental analysis, empirical formulas that are consistent with the experimental results are fitted.