The family of MMX hexagonal alloys havs been intensively studied in the recent years.1 Details of a first-order martensitic transition as well as another ferromagnetic(FM)--antiferromagnetic(AFM)trans
At this time,explosive synchronization(ES)of networked oscillators is thought of as being rooted in thesetting of specific microscopic correlation features between the natural frequencies of the oscil
Our study evidences that:(1)Domains with large electric dipolar moment play an important role in the rotation of the polar liquid film motor[1].
Energy landscape is an important concept in science,which has been widely used in many areas of physics,chemistry and biology.
Quantum computation,which promises to speed up the solution of a number of mathematical tasks,has attracted tremendous interests.To realize distributed quantum computation collective quantum gate oper
Quantum key distribution(QKD)which is one of the most important topic in quantum information has been well studied and become more and more practical.The theoretical security has been proved based on
电磁诱导透明(Electromagnetically Induced Transparency,简称EIT)是光和原子相互作用中表现出来的一种重要的量子光学效应[1].EIT能够被用于光速减慢,光囚禁与光存储,尤其对于单光子存储有潜在的应用价值[2].目前为止,研究者们已在原子系统[3]、量子点体系[4]和光机系统[5]中观测到了EIT现象.超导量子电路被认为是最有希望实现量子信息处理的人工原子系