洪武元年(1368年),当明太祖朱元璋建立起明王朝之后,为了消灭蒙古贵族和边疆各地的割据势力,收降和治理少数民族各部,缓和民族矛盾,实现全国统一,以巩固明王朝的统治,明太祖及其后继者在政治、军事、经济和文化上制定、施行了一系列的政策和措施。这些政策和措施, 对于明代我国统一多民族国家的巩固和明王朝的兴衰存亡关系至大。本文拟就此作些研究,并就其成败得失作些探讨。
In the first year of Hongwu reign (1368), when the Ming Dynasty Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming dynasty, in order to eliminate the separatist forces of the Mongolian aristocrats and the border regions, the departments of ethnic minorities were closed down and governed, the national conflicts were relaxed and the reunification of the country was consolidated to consolidate the Ming dynasty The ruling, Ming Taizu and their successors enacted and implemented a series of policies and measures politically, militarily, economically and culturally. These policies and measures have a great bearing on the consolidation of the unified multi-ethnic country in Ming China and the rise and fall of the Ming dynasty. This article intends to make some research on this, and discuss its success or failure.