Signal Transduction Therapy With Antitumor Peptides and Peptidomimetics

来源 :2005 WHTS'3rd Annual Congress of International Drug Disc | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abc870617
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  Signal transduction therapy has become recently a leading area of modem drug research aiming to inhibit and modulate the pathomechanism based validated target molecules in intercellular and intracellular signaling.Proliferation of infected,damaged or malfunctioning cells is very often a key factor in the generation of the pathological state, not only in cancer and infectious diseases but also in inflammation or autoimmune related diseases.Signals of intercellular communication are mediated from the cell surface to the nucleus by a cascade of phosphorylation events, involving the interaction of a big series of proteins: a network, that monitors the environment of the cell and co-ordinates its responses.The malfunctioning network of supporting signals within tumour cells present multiple targets for pharmaceutical interception, which is the basic idea of signal transduction therapy.Selective inhibition of these false proliferative signals via targeting receptor tyrosine kinases and other signaling enzymes, resulting in the induction of apoptosis by depletion of the "survival factors"is one of the most studied and widely accepted concept of modem chemotherapy.
“食草堂”的总部在石家庄郊外的西山花园中,他说他们是“站在时尚前沿,住在市区边缘”;食草堂的办公楼是一栋三层的白色别墅,他说这样“有家的感觉”。  这个“他”就是食草堂创始人牛合印,一个年近不惑的河北人。  “每个画画的人都有自己画室的宅号,我姓牛,朋友总开玩笑说老牛该吃草了,于是我就起名为食草堂了。”    一切源于一张牛皮    牛合印的教育背景和商业一点都不挨边。他当过兵,从军医大学毕业后在
当无数相爱的人幸福缠绵之际,在欧洲打拼的中国球员们也在另一片土地上和自己的家人以自己的方式度过这个浪漫的日子,留下了风花雪月的故事。 As the beloved people loving
上海电视节“白玉兰奖”近日揭晓,在巨星云集的提名名单中,唯一一位获电视电影最佳女主角提名的中国女星唐嫣颇为引人瞩目。作为一位刚出道的新人,她的名字或许让人觉得陌生,可是她近乎完美的脸孔却早已红翻了网络。唐嫣因成功演绎了任贤齐MV《诛仙》中的绝世美女,被很多网友评价为“完美脸孔的代表”、“如天仙般的存在”,并赚足了人气。    被张艺谋钦点为“奥运宝贝”    有中戏“校花”美誉的唐嫣虽说是刚出道的
目的 探讨新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情爆发后定点收治医院后勤物资保障部门对防护物资的管理策略,通过不断总结提高为今后突发公共卫生事件提供参考依据.方法 采用成立防控后勤财物