NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material) /TENORM (Technologically-Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material) in mining are getting important from the perspective of radiological protection in China.It is estimated that there are about ten million underground miners working in more than 8000 state-owned mines,and 100,000 other mines including small-scaled coal mines.Among them,6 million are coal miners and another 4 million other miners.China issued Chinese version of BSS in 2002,which is based on IAEA SAFETY SERIES No.115 (1996) International Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources.Action level in workplace is assigned to be 1000 Bq/m3.However,currently no explicit regulation of radon and its monitoring in non-uranium mining is in force in China.There were a quite lot of investigations on the radon level in selected mines in 1970s.Radon level higher than 10,000 Bq/m3 in some iron,tin,tungsten mines were reported,level of 3000 Bq/m3 observed in some lead-zinc,koechlinite,rare-earth,pyrites,bauxite,asbestos,gold,and copper mines.Based on the radon and other related measurements,doses to the miners was estimated in some studies,16 mSv/a for non-ferrous metal mines,much higher dose also found.To be frank,the annual dose for miners exposed to high radon in some mines are 8-10 timers higher than that for registered radiation workers.Lower doses was reported for the coal miners,2.4-3.3 mSv/a by Dr.Pan and his colleagues (Chen L et al,2005).Extremely high lung cancer risk was confirmed in the Yunnan Tin Mines,its cohort study was one of the pooled analysis of 11 underground miner studies by JH Lubin et al in 1994.However,no new data of radon in mining and no investigation on gamma dose,personal exposure to radon,risk perception and radiological impact on health of non-uranium miner health were conducted.We conducted a systematic investigation of non-uranium miners in China during 2006-2008,which was funded by the Chinese government.We selected 44 mines in 12 provinces/regions covering 17 categories of major mines.Time-integrated passive measurements with LD-P radon-thoron discriminated detectors were used to determine the radon level.Continuous measurement and equilibrium factors were conducted and determined by RTM 2100 from SARAD GmbH,Rad7 Electronic Radon Monitor from DURRIDGE Company Inc.,and LCD-BWLM from Tracerlab GmbH.Individual radon gas monitoring with Chinese made KF606B was performed for selected miners.Also,TLD (LiF: Mg,Cu,P) + Harshaw 5500 automatic dosimetry reader were used to determine the dose to miners from external exposure.Ore samples were collected and analyzed with gamma spectrometry using High-Purity Germanium (HPGe) Detector ADCOM-100.Te get information related to risk estimation and risk perception of radon,face-to-face interview of miners and chromosomal aberration scoring were conducted too.