Humidity variability revealed by a sounding array and its implications for cloud representation in G

来源 :第一届中国大地测量和地球物理学学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Linuxy
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  Subgrid-scale humidity variability is critical for statistical cloud schemes.The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) sounding array,covering a comparable size to a grid box of current global climate models (GCMs),provides estimates of subgridscale humidity variability.Using radiosonde measurements from ARM sounding arrays,humidity variabilities at a tropical and a midlatitude site are analyzed.Normalized moisture variance is small in the lower troposphere but tends to be large in the middle troposphere.Moisture variability dominates relative humidity (RH) variability at the tropical site,but the contribution by temperature variability cannot be ignored at the midlatitude site.Based on the analysis,a simple linear relationship between RH variance and mean is proposed.Cloud schemes assuming Gaussian distributions give comparable cloudiness as those assuming a beta distribution considering both moisture variance and skewness.A probability distribution function scheme assuming a Gaussian distribution of RH has more flexibility than a RH threshold scheme,which tends to overestimate cloudiness in the moist boundary layer over the tropics.Supersaturation with respect to ice needs to be allowed in the upper troposphere over the tropics to reduce the persistent overestimated cloudiness there.Similar comparison results are found from analysis of cloud resolving model simulations.The study suggests that measurements from sounding arrays would be valuable for statistical cloud scheme evaluation and development.
ENSO is one of the most important metrics to evaluate the state-of-art coupled climate system models.This study presents an overview of the improved simulation of El Ni(n)o–Southern Oscillation (ENS
利用华北中心区1981~2010 年夏季地面08~08 时日降水量观测数据,提取超过90 百分位日降水量的225 个强降水事件.基于JRA 再分析资料,对强降水事件发生前08 时的环流进行合成分析,揭示了华北中心区夏季强降水发生前,以对流层中高层温度暖异常为特征的立体环流结构.结果表明,强降水发生前,华北对流层中高层表现为显著暖异常,暖中心位于300hPa 附近.静力平衡与地转平衡使得暖异常上层出
In this paper,we have studied the effect of the lightning strike to tall towers ranging from 50 m to 300 m height on transient electric field at mesospheric altitudes.For subsequent lighting current w
在2013年6月5号,SpriteCam网络的两台摄像机同时捕捉到了一例位于一个正穿过俄克拉荷马州狭长地带的中尺度对流系统上空的相对较弱的“红色精灵”(red sprite)现象.多个测站均记录到了sprite的宽频磁场(50 Hz到300 kHz),分析表明这例sprite现象由一次负地闪放电过程中的两个连续的脉冲电流(每个持续大约2.5 ms)产生.基于时域有限差分方法的数值模拟结果表明,虽然
Rainfall rate from tropical cyclones has been projected to increase in a warmer climate.Changes in rainfall rate and area coverage are both important to the impact of tropical cyclones on human lives.
铁方镁石是下地幔主要矿物之一.Badro 等人2003年首次在该矿物观测到磁矩转变掀起了这个转变对矿物物性特别是弹性影响的研究热潮.我们的第一性原理计算显示,相对与其它突变的地幔矿物相变,铁方镁石自旋转变是一个缓变的过程,随着压强的增大,越来越多的铁原子从有磁矩(高自旋态)转变到没有磁矩状态(低自旋态),温度越高,转变的压强越大,转变的范围就越宽,下地幔的很大的深度范围内都处于自旋转变过渡区.
北极地区地表平均大气温度在近三十年来的上升速度明显大于北半球地表平均大气温度,这种温度的明显上升给北极地区的生态系统,以及中低纬度的气候变化都造成了较大影响。但是由于北极地区温度监测的不易,大部分地区并没有长时间的温度观测,HadCRUT4,NCDC及NASA GISS的全球地表大气各点温度在北极大部分地区都为缺测,而这些缺测区域又恰好为升温最快的中心区域。另有北极浮标温度观测资料,在北纬40度以