【摘 要】
@@ Chinese characters are virtually unique among modern scripts for their lack of structural 1-to-1 sound-to-symbol correspondence. While the hanzi system confo
【机 构】
Akita International University (Akita, Japan)
@@ Chinese characters are virtually unique among modern scripts for their lack of structural 1-to-1 sound-to-symbol correspondence. While the hanzi system confounds conventional wisdom from other scripts which presuppose reading to be essentially an act of phonetic decoding, it provides one of the best means of actively studying the lexical pathway theorized by the dual route model of reading (Coltheart, 1978). The corresponding semantic and phonetic radicals which comprise the majority of characters in the Chinese corpus can allow the reader direct access to both semantic and phonological data directly.
当知识与金融完美对接之后,一种超乎正常逻辑的企业光速发展模式,甚至是超光速发展模式就此出现。2006年,江西赛维建厂,并成为中国光伏产业企业第一;2007年成为亚洲光伏产业企业第一;2008年成为世界光伏产业企业第一……虽然这是一个一切皆有可能的时代,但年仅34岁的彭小峰所领导的赛维LDK的光速发展,也着实让全球跨国巨头们感慨后生可畏…… “如果没有可能成为第一名,我不会去做。”彭小峰一直致力于
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