采用无电极电阻率测定仪测定了不同水灰比的水泥净浆在1 440 min内的电阻率变化曲线,研究了快硬硫铝酸盐水泥的水化过程。研究表明,快硬硫铝酸盐水泥的电阻率变化曲线在凝结硬化后出现了2个峰值,其原因是钙矾石(AFt)与单硫型水化硫铝酸钙(AFm)发生了相互转变。快硬硫铝酸盐水泥在凝结硬化前,影响电阻率的决定性因素是孔隙率,而凝结硬化后的决定性因素是液相电阻率。当水灰比逐渐增大时,初始电阻率逐渐减小,电阻率变化曲线的第2个峰的峰值逐渐增大,1 d电阻率也逐渐增大,1 d抗压强度逐渐降低。
The resistivity curves of cement paste with different water-cement ratio in 1 440 min were measured by using electrodeless resistivity meter. The hydration process of fast hardening sulphoaluminate cement was studied. The results show that the resistivity curve of fast hardened sulphoaluminate cement shows two peaks after coagulation and hardening because of the mutual interaction between ettringite (AFt) and monosulfide hydrated sulphoaluminate (AFm) change. Prior to setting hardening, the hard, sulphoaluminate cement has a porosity that is the decisive factor that affects resistivity, and the decisive factor after setting and hardening is the liquidus resistivity. When the water-cement ratio increases gradually, the initial resistivity decreases gradually. The peak value of the second peak of the resistivity curve gradually increases. The resistivity gradually increases on the first day and decreases gradually on the first day.