
来源 :历史文献研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ziyoushenghuozhe
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中国古代有着代代相传的典藏文献的传统,无论是官府、书院,还是寺观、私家,藏书之风甚盛。古人对文献搜求与典藏的功用有着较为系统的认识,把典藏与资政教化、读书治学、文化传承等联系起来,有着特色鲜明的典藏价值观。在古人看来,藏书是治理国家、进行伦理教化的参考,典藏文献,实际上就是保存统治经验。古人对聚书不读的典藏风气进行了严厉批评,认为典藏是为了读书治学,凡有裨于学术治道的书籍均是典藏的首选。古人还认为藏书是文化保存与传承的手段,主张藏书,更主张刻书。在他们看来,保藏书籍就是保存文化、保存传统,藏而能刻,则可以更大范围地传播知识,嘉惠他人,实现文化的传播和传承。 Ancient China has a tradition of collecting documents handed down from generation to generation. Whether it is an official palace, a college, or a temple, it is very private and there is a great collection of books. The ancients had a relatively systematic understanding of the functions of literature search and collection, and linked the collection with the funding of political science, reading and learning, and cultural inheritance. In the view of the ancients, collecting books is the reference for governing the country and enlightening ethics. The collection of documents actually means saving the ruling experience. The ancient people did not read the collection of polygalaceus collection of culture was severely criticized, that the collection is to study the book, where there is benefit for academic governance books are the preferred collection. The ancients also think that collection of books is the means of cultural preservation and inheritance, advocating collection of books, advocating engraving. In their view, the preservation of books is the preservation of culture, preservation of tradition, possession and can engrave, you can spread a wider range of knowledge, to benefit others, to achieve cultural dissemination and heritage.
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