Love the beauty of the United States and institutions to integrate color science body color energy field and education and training, psychological counseling, biological feedback theory and technology to promote the traditional color energy point of view, and promote people’s physical and mental health. In this study, students who participated in the color energy course were used as experimental subjects. Subjects were asked to use the quasi-experimental design method and Kirkpatrick’s (1959) four-level training evaluation model as a theoretical basis to explore the subject’s satisfaction level (reaction level) , Color energy knowledge (learning level) and biological feedback (behavioral level). The study found that subjects were highly satisfied with the color energy courses, color energy courses can increase subjects’ knowledge of color energy, color energy courses can improve the five biofeedback indicators such as stress resistance and emotional response, and the curriculum satisfaction Enhance knowledge of color energy, color and energy knowledge will positively affect the four biological feedback indicators such as throat and energy status. Based on the results of this study, we put forward suggestions on theory and practice.