【机 构】
【出 处】
Distribution and diversity of nitrite-dependent anaerobicmethane-oxidising bacteria in the sediments
The nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation(n-damo)process is mediated by "Candidatus Methylomirabilisoxyfera",which belongs tothe candidate phylum NC
Diversity of Bacterial Endophytes in Dendrobium officinaleDetermined byNested-PCR-DGGE and Culture-D
The diversity of bacterial endophytes was investigated in D.officinale from 3different sources in China.The nested-PCR-DGGE results showed diversities in al
To compare functional gene structure and diversity of microbial communities in saline-alkali and acidic oil-contaminated sites,forty soil samples were colle
Changes in soil respiration,enzyme activities.and microbial community resulting fromchlorothalonil were determined in yellow-brown loamsoils to gain better
Real-time PCR detection of Lactobacillus fermentum,Lactobacillus plantarum,and Lactobacillus paracas
In this study,the chemical and biological properties of a constructed lactic acid bacteria(LAB)community SFC-2,were analyzedto investigate the colonization
茅苍术Atractylodes lancea(Thunb.)DC为菊科苍术属多年生草本植物.其干燥的根茎为中药苍术,是江苏省著名的道地药材.课题组尝试从微生物和植物生态关系等角度开展研究.
Microbial community response to the oil spill as evidenced by the geochemical and biological data fr
The DaLian oil pipeline explosion in July 2010 resulted in a massive influx of crude oil into the DaLian Bay.To date,its potential effects on microbial comm