This paper presents evaluation of chock shield supports while extraction of retreating Longwall Sub-panels 3D/1 & 3D/2 at GDK 10A Incline of Adriyala Project Area of Singareni Collieries Company Ltd.During extraction of panel 3 D2, the Mean Load Density (MLD-ton/m2) in the MG, middle &TG zone are 65, 66 & 65t/m2 respectively.This is an evidence that the supports which have a designed capacity of 105 t/m2 after cut is adequate for the existing geo mining condition with satisfactory performance.To minimize cavity formation and spalling at the face, it is recommended to give full setting to the front legs.This will minimize exposed unsupported spans ahead of the supports.To avoid excessive load on the front legs of powered supports and spalling at the face it is also suggested to advance the supports immediately after cutting and to reduce the unsupported span to as minimum as possible.