王守仁生于明代的中期。明朝建国之后,对其统治的威胁主要来自两个方面:一是内乱, 即百姓的造反和统治阶级内部的叛乱;一是外患,即外敌的入侵和外族的内犯。王守仁一直在内地任职,所遇到的老百姓造反和统治阶级内部的叛乱,所以他的军事思想主要是制止内乱的思想,而且是制止内乱军事思想的杰出代表。
Wang Shouren was born in the mid Ming Dynasty. After the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the threat to its rule mainly came from two aspects: one was civil strife, that is, the rebellion of the people and the rebellion within the ruling class; the other was foreign aggression, that is, the invasion by foreign enemies and the invaders of foreign nationalities. Wang Shouren, who has been serving in the Mainland for the first time, has encountered ordinary people’s rebellions and insurrections within the ruling class. Therefore, his military thinking is mainly an idea of stopping civil strife and an outstanding representative of stopping the military ideology of civil strife.