In case of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) various metabolic and endocrine disorders that affect the skin condition of women may occur.This syndrome is a common pathology, that affects 5-10% of women of childbearing age.Universal components of the pathogenesis of PCOS are insulin resistance and androgen excess.Skin manifestations in PCOS related to hyperandrogenism are as follows: oily skin, acne, akantozis nigrikans, hirsutism, androgenic alopecia.Metabolic disorders declare itself in the form of excess weight and different degrees of obesity.Materials and methods :21 women with PCOS with severe skin manifestations of menstrual irregularities and obesity were examined.The control group consisted of 10 obese women without PCOS and skin manifestations.Levels of testosterone, DHEAS, a urine test for 17-COP, the blood sugar, and body mass index were determined.All patients were on diet and took metformin for 6 months twice a day and a variety of low-dose oral contraceptives (contraindicated drugs not mentioned).Results:In the group of patients with PCOS 18 patients had hyperandrogenism.Cutaneous manifestations of it in the form of acne occurred in 20 patients.All patients also had increased levels of fasting insulin and insulin resistance, which did not depend on the level of hyperandrogenism.4 patients had skin manifestation of insulin resistance in the form of akantozis nigrikans, hyperkeratosis, and 2 patients had pappilomatoz.10 patients had androgenic alopecia and hirsutism in the chest, chin, and hands.4 patients had seborrhea.The patients were obese and their body mass index was on average 32,6 ± 4,5 kg/m2.3 patients had moderately elevated blood sugar.16 patients observed oligomenorrhea, 4-amenorrhea.After treatment, skin manifestations of pathology significantly decreased: a significant reduction in severity of acne was noted in 15 patients, the disappearance-in 5.Seborrhea disappeared in 3 patients and decreased in lpatient.As a result of treatment of treatment it was an improvement in hormonal status (reduction of hyperandrogenism and insulin resistance) and patients with PCOS had reduced their weight by an average of 6% from the initial level, and improved general health compared with the control group.Conclusion:Therapy aimed at improving the hormonal status and metabolic processes significantly improves skin condition in patients with PCOS.