刑事诉讼中的“辩诉交易”(plea’s bargin)起源于美国,历经一个多世纪的发展,作为一项制度在美国基本上得到了确立,并且越来越多地得到世界上其他国家政府和学界的关注,不少国家和地区正在或已经在不同程度上借鉴和吸收了该制度的合理内核。虽然加拿大
The “plea’s bar” in criminal proceedings originated in the United States. After more than a century of development, the system of “plea’s bargin” has basically been established in the United States as a system and increasingly gained the support of other countries and governments in the world. Academic concern, many countries and regions have been or to varying degrees, learn from and absorb the reasonable core of the system. Although Canada