【摘 要】
The experiment was done from March to May,2009.Different emergent aquatic plants,ten kinds of vegetables Allium sativum,Allium fistulosum,Ipomoea aquatica,Solanum lycopersicum,Solanum melongena L,Caps
【机 构】
Alan G. MacDiarmid Research Institute of Renewable Energy, China Three Gorges University, Yichang, P
The experiment was done from March to May,2009.Different emergent aquatic plants,ten kinds of vegetables Allium sativum,Allium fistulosum,Ipomoea aquatica,Solanum lycopersicum,Solanum melongena L,Capsicum annuum Linn,Romaine lettuce,Cornarium var.spatisum,Phaseolus vulgaris L and Brassica rapa pekinensis,eight types of flowers Calendula officinalis,Capsicum frutescens,Leaf beet,Petunia hybrida,Marigold,Crabapple,Heronsbill and Tagetes patula and eight species of local wild plants Herba plantaginis,Gnaphalium affine,Herba erigerontis annui,Herba duchesneae indicae,Artemisia princeps,Solanum melongena L,Herba setariae viridis and Typha orientalis Presl were cultivated in Yichang City,Hubei,China on artificial floating island which was set up using foams to purify the eutrophication water,and monitor Total Nitrogen (TN),Total Phosphor (TP),and Copper (Cu) of the water in the single species experiment in single water tank indoor.Through the experiment,all the plants chosen can purify the water well,the TN,TP,Cu removal rates reached up to 81.6%,88.5%,and 82.1% on average,respectively.Heavy metals in the edible parts of vegetables were detected,and the contentwas law in the safety limitation.By compared the unitage biomass removal rate,pekinensis,romaine lettuce and Ipomoea aquatica can be used as native vegetables with economic as the ecological treatment plants.The characteristics of the flowers such as scent,color,and so on have to be studied.Other practical value of the wild plants need further research.
采用固相萃取(HLB吸附膜)法萃取清洁地表水中的酚类化合物,用GC - MS选择离子法检测清洁地表水中酚类化合物。从检出限、加标回收率和相对标准偏差等三方面对萃取方法的灵敏度、萃取效率和重现性进行验证综合。证明该萃取方法的准确性和精密度是可靠的,同时具有灵敏度高,萃取速度快等优点,并以石家庄市民心河为例进行了实际验证。
为了研究光催化在处理养虾废水过程中降解有机物的能力,本文采用粉体TiO2光催化和膜分离技术集成的方法对养虾废水进行处理,考察了膜孔径、渗透压对膜过滤性能的影响,以及集成反应器在不同催化条件下处理养虾废水的效果。结果表明,采用孔径为0.05μm的a- Al2O3陶瓷膜在0.05MPa的渗透压下分离平均粒径0.27mm的TiO2粉体,渗透通量为432L· hr-1·m-2.分别以2g TiO2、2g
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