<正>The paper is meant to address a central theoretical problematique currently under discussion nct only in Comparative Education but in Sociology and Global History as well.This problematique is focused,first of all,on the simultaneity of contrary currents:of,on the one hand,the increasing world-level interconnection of communication and exchange relations into one single world-society and,on the other hand,the ongoing persistence of "culture-specific" adoptions, interpretations and re-formulations of world-level forces and challenges.While the former current has convincingly been conceptualized,e.g.,in terms of the neo-institutionalist ?world culture" or ?world polity" approach,the latter has found expression,among others,in the "mul(?)ple modernities" model.Thus,the problematique to be expounded in the paper also extends to the issue of how to adequately theorize this persistent simultaneity.