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台北县三峡垃圾卫生掩埋场的蜕变,强烈吸引目光,远近民斗争相参访住宿体验,成功树立封闭垃圾掩埋场之转型复育新模式. 三峡垃圾卫生掩埋场封闭至今13年,其间历经污染监控、环境复育、绿美化、沼气收集发电等传统封闭复育工作外,在场区"低碳转型"动力驱引下,树木银行、温室植栽苗木培育、篮耕离地植栽精致农业、山樱花林木区及绿能树屋等碳中和乐园企划策略相继投入,封闭之垃圾掩埋场不再是邻避设施;三峡垃圾掩埋场转型成为民众体验绿色交通、绿建筑、再生能源、资源循环、永续生活环境的绝佳场所,"三峡碳中和乐园"的旅游娱乐方式,也让民众将低碳绿色未来城市的概念带回家,充实了环保、低碳教育功能.能玩、能住、能减碳的"三峡碳中和乐园"堪称台湾地区封闭垃圾掩埋场之转型复育新典范.
China: Serious PM2.5.and S VOCspollu tions !China: No.1 PM2.5+No.1 SVOCs Pro blems may produce No.1indo or health problems!Health effect 10 % Americans: Asthma7
  In case of Korea, researches on indoor air quality condition of housing and public facilities were fully started by the government, research institute and u
SVOCs is a kind of ubiquitous pollutants in our daily life.They exist in both gas-and particle-phases because of their relatively lower vapor pressure.Human bei
BACKGROUND: Rapid increase of prevalence of childhood asthma has been reported in China.Ambient air pollution is regarded as the most important risk factor, but
1 Background2 Materials And Methods 3 Results 4 Conclusion What is asthma?Asthma (AZ-ma) is a chronic (long-term) lung disease that inflames and narrows the air
台湾中部地区,含台中、彰化、南投,其空气品质皆呈现PM10下降且O3上升的情况,本研究运用回归推估法(Roll Back Method)回归得出南投县PSI与各种防治策略与臭氧浓度之线性关系
  A transient mass transfer model is developed to predict dermal absorption of gas phase chemicals via direct air-to-skin-to-blood transport under non-steady
  Determination of inhaled particles deposition in human lung is very important forestimation of the health risk of particulate air pollution and optimization