Frontier of the underthrusting Indian lithosphere beneath the central Tibet from finite frequency to

来源 :2014年中国地球科学联合学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fencer_20
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  Combining the newly collected teleseismic body waves recorded by Cuoqin-Dangxiong passive seismic array of 59 broadband stations with waveforms from several previous temporary local seismic arrays of 301 broadband stations,we carried out finite-frequency tomographic inversions to image the three-dimensional velocity structure beneath southern-central Tibet to examine the roles of the upper mantle in the formation of the Tibetan plateau.This new dataset significantly improved the station coverage for the teleseismic body-wave tomography research of the eastern Tibetan plateau.
为了探究陆陆相互碰撞过程中不同块体之间的接触关系及缝合带边界的结构形态,我们跨东昆仑造山带布设了北东方向宽频带流动台站观测剖面,共22 个记录仪,台间距10~15km,数据记录时间从2010年11 月至2011 年6 月.剖面横跨上述两条重要缝合带和三个块体.远震P波接收函数的结果表明,柴达木-东昆仑地体具有偏低的Vp/Vs,松潘-甘孜地体的Vp/Vs则相对较高,剖面自北往南莫霍面逐渐增加,支持青
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