【摘 要】
A H is a triple H =(X,C,D), where X is the vertex set and C and D are families of subsets of X, called the C-edges and D-edges.A vertex coloring of His prop
A H is a triple H =(X,C,D), where X is the vertex set and C and D are families of subsets of X, called the C-edges and D-edges.A vertex coloring of His proper if each C-edge has two vertices with a Common color and each D-edge contains two vertices with Distinct colors.
For a graph G =(V;E), let N(u) denote the set of vertices adjacent to u.A not necessarily proper vertex k-coloring of G is a multiset k-coloring if M(u) ≠
The circuit graph of a matroid M =(E, I) is a graph G =G(M) with vertex set V(G) and edge set E(G) such that V(G) =C and E(G) ={CC | C, C ∈C, |C∩ C| ≠ 0}
Let G be a graph of order n, maximum degree A and minimum degree δ.Let P(G, λ) be the chromatic polynomial of G.It is known that the multiplicity of zero
南京师范大学文学院教授吴调公先生于 2 0 0 0年 5月 2 6日不幸逝世 ,享年八十七岁。吴调公先生 ,原名吴鼎第 ,笔名丁谛。生于 1 91 4年 ,江苏省镇江市人 ,中共党员、九三学