【摘 要】
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted to investigate the dynamic distribution and possible roles of Polo-like 1 kinase (Plk1) during the first mitosis process in early porcine embryo develop
【机 构】
College of Veterinary Medicine,Nanjing Agricultural University,Jiangsu 210095,China
【出 处】
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted to investigate the dynamic distribution and possible roles of Polo-like 1 kinase (Plk1) during the first mitosis process in early porcine embryo development.Indirect immunofluorescence and confocal microscopic imaging technique combined with western blot were used to study the dynamic expression and subcellular localization of the Plkl protein.Finally, a selective Plk1 inhibitor GSK461364 was used to evaluate the potential roles of Pik1 during this special stage.
Under the support of granulosa cells and theca cells, the ovaries are responsible for producing oocytes and secreting sex steroids such as estrogen and progesterone.Endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS)
C型钠肽(C type natriuretic peptide,CNP)与其受体钠尿肽受体2(natriuretic peptide receptor 2,NPR2)结合之后提高了卵丘细胞中环鸟苷酸(cyclic guanosine monophosphate,cGMP)的含量。高水平的cGMP通过缝隙连接进入卵母细胞,维持卵母细胞减数分裂的阻滞,直到排卵前促黄体生成素(luteinizing h
胚胎工程相关技术的发展提高了卵母细胞的利用效率,改善了雌性动物的生殖性能。然而,目前卵母细胞体外成熟(in vitro maturation,IVM)、体外受精(in vitro fertilization,IVF)等胚胎工程相关技术,只限于从卵巢表面的有腔卵泡中获取卵母细胞,因此其数量非常有限。众所周知,雌性动物的卵巢中含有大量腔前卵泡,如果能成功体外培养动物的腔前卵泡至有腔卵泡阶段,再从这些有
据报道,生存在南极零度以下极寒环境中的抗冻鱼(notothenioid fish),其血细胞数量显著减少,Hb的含量也明显降低。绝大多数南极抗冻鱼的Hb为单体形式,而不是脊椎动物Hb通常的四聚体结构,这暗示了低浓度的Hba-a本身可能具有一定的抗冻功能。本实验选用10~12周龄性成熟,体重为28 g左右的ICR系雌性小鼠,利用超数排卵法,于见栓d5上午8点从子宫中回收正常孵化囊胚,并通过构建小鼠延
目的:为了确定EGF对牦牛胚胎发育的潜在作用机制,本研究分析在牦牛体外受精胚胎发育过程中加入不同浓度的EGF,分析EGF对牦牛胚胎发育能力、囊胚质量的影响,并采用Real-time PCR和间接免疫荧光方法检测检测细胞凋亡相关基因的表达变化.材料与方法:受精后,将受精的卵母细胞放入含1% BSA的SoFaa液[11],每100 μL的微滴含有20个卵母细胞,38℃、5% CO2和饱和湿度下培养.同
为寻求较佳的牦牛胚胎培养液,本实验中将成熟的牦牛卵母细胞进行孤雌激活后置于SOFaa和G1/G2两种不同的培养液中进行发育培养,统计其在24h、48h、96h、120h和168h的胚胎发育情况,并采用实时荧光定量PCR检测DNMT1基因的表达量.结果显示,SOFaa液中2 cell、4-8 cell、9-16 cell、桑椹胚和囊胚的发育率分别为87.50%、68.00%、40.00%、34.29
Purpose: The present study aimed to investigate the impact of dietary selenium yeast (SY) on the fermentation pattern and mucosal growth in the colon of goats.Methods: Ten cross-bred goats at 4 month
Materials and Methods: In this study, the subcellular localization and possible roles of H3 S 10ph were evaluated in the first mitotic cell cycle progression of porcine embryos using western blot, ind
目的:以C57BL/6J (B6)小鼠作为研究对象,对胚胎冷冻-解冻移植后所获小鼠及其后代(子一代)的部分生物学特性与正常繁育的小鼠进行比较,旨在探讨胚胎冷冻对C57BL/6J小鼠冷冻胚胎移植后代及其子代的体重增长和血液生化等部分生物学指标的影响。