【摘 要】
Identification of hypersensitive response (HR) regulators is essential to dissect the molecular mechanisms underlying plant disease resistance.In this study, combined proteomics and RNA interfering an
【机 构】
Institute of Biotechnology,College of Agriculture and Biotechnology,Zhejiang University,866 Yu Hang
【出 处】
Identification of hypersensitive response (HR) regulators is essential to dissect the molecular mechanisms underlying plant disease resistance.In this study, combined proteomics and RNA interfering analyses were employed to identify genes required for the HR conferred by the tomato resistance gene Cf4 and the Cladosporium fulvum avirulence gene Avr4.Forty nine proteins differentially expressed in the tomato seedlings mounting and those not mounting the Cf-4/Avr4-dependent HR were identified through proteomics analyses.
柱花草是热带、亚热带地区的优质豆科牧草,原产南美洲,包括种和亚种44个以上(Stace和Edye,1984)。我国从1962年引进柱花草后,圭亚那柱花草在华南地区广泛种植,是该地区的当家牧草草种。然而,从20世纪70年代以来,柱花草炭疽病(Stylos anthracnose)成为影响柱花草生产和推广的主要病害,该病害主要由半知菌亚门刺盘孢属的胶孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeos
The rice variety Xiushui227 is resistant to neck blast at three crucial panicle stages (the booting stage, the preliminary heading stage (PHS), and the full heading stage (FHS)) that controlling neck
稻瘟病是世界各国稻米产区最严重的病害之一,严重影响水稻的产量.在病原菌与寄主植物互作中,病原菌可以分泌一些与植物相互作用的蛋白质.本实验室先前已报告了由稻瘟菌(Magnaporthe oryzae)分泌的一种能引起烟草叶片过敏性反应的新型蛋白激发子(MoHrip1)的纯化、鉴定和基因克隆.MoHrip1可诱导烟草的早期防御反应事件,如过氧化氢的生产,胼胝的积累和细胞外质的碱化等.此外,MoHrip
中国小麦花叶病毒(Chinese wheat mosaic virus,CWMV)是引起我国冬小麦黄花叶病毒病的主要病原之一,属于真菌传播杆状病毒属(Furovirus).CWMV具有双分体病毒粒子,病毒粒子中包裹着两条RNA基因组,RNA1编码了病毒RNA聚合酶和在病毒长距离运输中起重要作用的37K蛋白.RNA2在3 端编码了一个半胱氨酸富裕的19kDa蛋白,5 编码CP蛋白及漏读终止密码子而形
As obligate intracellular parasites, viruses need to hijack and divert a set of cellular functions to multiply in the host.In many times, this involves protein-protein interactions (PPIs).Identificati
RNAi introduced gene silence is widely used as an efficient method of gene engineering plant resisting virus.The objective is to decrease the dangerous that the CMV (Cucumber mosaic virus)and PStV (Pe
酵母双杂交系统是研究蛋白质相互作用的主要工具之一,在病毒与寄主相互作用机制研究中已有广泛应用。本研究利用前期研究获得的参与烟草花叶病毒(Tobacco mosaic virus,TMV)和黄瓜花叶病毒(Cucumber mosaic virus, CMV)复制的番茄中的寄主因子ToTOM3 cDNA序列,构建了ToTOM3酵母双杂交诱饵表达载体pBT3-N-ToTOM3和pBT3-C-ToTOM3
木霉(Trichoderma spp.)具有拮抗多种病原菌作用的一类重要生防菌,自然界中分布广泛.本研究以康氏木霉(T koningii T30)为出发菌采用REMI方法(限制性内切酶介导的基因整合),从阳性转化子中得到了一个磷脂酶A2(血小板活化因子乙酰水解酶)家族成员的基因PLA2.并发现该基因与木霉菌诱导玉米自交系(黄早四)幼苗抗弯孢叶斑病侵染有一定关系,为此我们开展了进一步的研究.
Nonhost resistance is a phenomenon that enables plants to protect themselves against the majority of potential pathogens, and thus has a great potential for application in plant protection.We recently
Nonhost resistance is a type of resistance shown by an entire plant species against all isolates of a microbial species, which enables plants to protect themselves against the majority of potential pa