New Therapeutic Approaches to Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome

来源 :中国上海第七届国际新药发明科技年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Y5926535897
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  Metabolic syndrome,with abdominal obesity and the associated insulin resistance as central components together with other co-morbidities in diabetes,dyslipidemia and hypertension,is becoming a major medical condition in developed countries that eventually results in macrovascular and microvascular diseases.The detailed mechanisms for development of obesity associated insulin resistance,diabetes and other co-morbidities are incompletely understood.Recent work suggested that fatty acids and their metabolic intermediates play important pathophysiological roles in this disease etiology.My talk will discuss fatty acid metabolic pathways and their relevance to metabolic disorders and accordingly potential molecular targets for prevention and treatment of this debilitating disease.
良种介绍1、状元大棚种植甜瓜 ,首选品种是状元。该品种由台湾农友种苗公司育成 ,为F1品种。瓜橄榄形 ,早熟 ,成熟后瓜皮金黄色 ,瓜肉白色 ,肉质细嫩 ,含糖14%~16 % ,品质优良。单瓜
  The introduction of molecularly targeted drugs in the 21 st century marks an exciting era for cancer therapy.One of the first of these agents is Imatinib (I
  The development ofimatinib (IM),a selective tyrosine kinase inhibitor for treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML),is the first molecularly targeted ther
炎热的天气已往往给冷季型草坪管理者带来很多麻烦 ,夏季草坪病害防治就是其一 ,而且虫害不容忽视。笔者通过几年的观察 ,发现在早熟禾、高羊茅、黑麦草等禾草上有一种草坪茎
2004年10月20日,是一个让龙岗人深深铭记的日子,是一个让16岁的天健地产登临高峰、尽展风采的日子。龙岗中心城16万平米首席高尚社区--天健·郡城盛大开盘。 October 20, 20
目的 基于网络药理学和分子对接技术探讨漏芦防治缺血性脑卒中的分子作用机制.方法 通过中药系统药理学数据库和分析平台(TCMSP数据库)筛选并收集漏芦的有效活性成分,利用TCM
攫滞 笔l;瞿攀豁骂瞿 嘟民公司_______ {北京天方房地 一责任公司 {北京芜宠房硒 库、配套 尘建一 住宅 佳常一商 业 住宅配 北京新龙房地少 公司 北京三元嘉铭左 有限公司
  1.RNA binding protein as target for antifibrotic therapy.Fibroproliferative disorders are characterized by excessive synthesis of type Ⅰ collagen.To find c
20 0 0年 8月 9日 ,全国芦荟协会联系会长、国家科技部原顾问谢绍明前来江西省林科院考察芦荟栽培现状。在听取了院党委书记熊霖珍等人的情况介绍后 ,参观了林木组培中心和植