Communication-based Attacks Detection in Android Applications

来源 :第十二届中国可信计算与信息安全学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wston
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  The android operating system provides a rich inter-component communication(ICC)method to bring enormous convenience.However,the android ICC also increases security risks.To address this problem,a formal method is proposed which can model and detecte inter-component communication behavior in android applications.Firstly,we generate data flow graphs and data fact for each component by component-level data flow analysis.Secondly,our approach treats ICC just like method calls.After analyzing the fields and data dependencies of intent,we find out the ICC caller and callee,track data flow from the ICC caller to callee,and construct the ICC model.Thirdly,the behavior model of android applications is constructed by a formal mapping method for component data flow graph based on Pi calculus.Then the runtime sensitive path trigger detection algorithm is given.Communication-based attacks are detected by analyzing the intent abnormity.Finally,we analyze the modeling and detection efficiency,and compare with the relevant methods.Through analyzing fifty-seven applications in real-world partly verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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