Two Decades on Rail-Evaluation, Decision Making and Development of Singapore's Urban Rail Infra

来源 :清华大学,大连理工大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bilyy95
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It has been twenty years since Singapores first MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) train started running in 1987.However,the initial planning for it started 20 years before that,in 1967 when Singapore government commissioned a State and City Planning study.Today,it is still serving the needs of Singapore vastly different from the 80s.And Singaporeans had also tasted the benefits of MRT-notably speed,comfort,efficiency and affordability,and also raised property values along the rail lines.As of 2003,11.8 billion SGD has been spent in development of 109km MRT lines and 925 million SGD has been invested in 31km LRT lines.With the completion of the 33km,6.66 billion SGD MRT Circle Line in 2010,the whole countrys rail network would then be 3 times of 1990.With the vision of building a world class land transport system,the government has recently approved its major rail development of 40km MRT Down-Town-Line (DTL) which costs 12 billion SGD to be completed by 2018 in three phases.A key to economic growth in Singapore has been the integrated transport system,and with long-term vision.Short-term political issues which dominate agendas in other regional countries have not been a problem in Singapore.With this integrated transport system,MRT serves the heavy transit corridors,LRT serves as feeder to MRT network,Buses continues serving the less corridors to complement MRT-LRT network.MRT stations are also functioning as transport nodes with highest density of development,such as housing,structurally integrated.This paper will discuss the development of Singapores transportation strategic plan and evaluation of transportation infrastructure,in particular,the rail.The paper highlighted three major aspects of Singapores achievements and success in urban rail infrastructure:(1)The long term strategic planning and strategic investment in rail transportation infrastructure integrated with national development and land use; (2)The policies in financing and operating,financial viability;(3)Role of government agencies in urban rail infrastructure.
公私合作伙伴关系(Public-private partnerships)进行公共设施建设有利于解决建设资金紧张以及政府在投资管理上的低效问题。目前的研究成果主要集中在用相关利益者理论把PPP模式作为社会博弈来研究,关于PPP项目风险分担与收益管理研究,PPP合作双方对项目贡献的度量,PPP模式的产权制度选择与安排。本文首先基于私人公司的期望收益和利益分配方法,建立了公私合作投资双方的最佳投资比例
公私合作制(PPP)在中国城市污水厂项目中得到越来越多的应用。但是它在乡镇中的应用是否依然具有可行性呢?本文希望通过比较合理的模型来辅助乡镇政府解决此问题。文 章将主要借助博弈论的方法,辅助政府分析项目采取哪种融资模式(完全私有、完全公有、PPP模式)更适合当地情况并做出决策。这种辅助决策方法主要考虑政府、工业园区的企业、私人发起人三方博弈,并围绕项目的定价模型进行分析。同时,本文还对定价模型进行
In the search for improved efficiency and solution to budget constraints,many public services are increasingly provided under Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in many sectors,including construction-r