Deoxypodophyllotoxin (DOP) is a medicinal herb product isolated from a variety of plants,well known for its antitumor activity,antiviral activity,anti-inflammatory activity and exhibits a potent medical value.Few studies have addressed the potential for deoxypodophyllotoxin to produce neurotoxicity in animal nervous system.The whole-cell patch-clamp and calcium imaging technique were employed to investigate the DOP effects on the electrophysiological properties and regulation of calcium of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons.DOP produced inhibition on both TTX-S and TTX-R two type sodium currents in voltage clamp recording and decrease in the number of action potentials (APs) in voltage clamp experiment.Moreover,application of DOP evoked intracelluiar Ca2 + concentrations ([Ca2 +] i) increase in DRG neurons.Taken together,all these effects will reduce the excitability of sensory neurons and lead to cytotoxicity to neurons.In addition,DOP is fairly fat soluble and may pass the protective blood-brain barrier relatively easily,then damage to the nervous system would be formed.Thus,the present results indicate that DOP is a potent disruptor of neuronal cells physiological state and cause neurotoxic.So,more attention should be paid to the nervous system impairment,when it was taken as medical use.