<正>Since more than 50 years hazardous waste incineration plants are used for the thermal treatment of industrial waste in Germany.Currently about 30 hazardous waste incinerators with a total capacity of approximately 1 million tons are in operation in Germany.The rotary kiln is the most common incineration technology for mixed hazardous/industrial waste and typical incinerators are equipped with these kilns.Some specialized plants for liquid or gaseous waste use incineration chambers.Stack emissions are a solved problem of incineration of industrial waste since all incineration plants were equipped with a specialized multiple stage gas cleaning systems to reduce toxic emissions like dioxins, furans and heavy metals. So the main targets for hazardous waste treatment like·Destroying toxic organic components·Reducing volume and amount of the waste,generating fractions which can be stored safely in underground facilities (landfills)·Produce steam and electrical can be achieved by using hazardous waste incinerators in Germany.