【摘 要】
Temporally and Spatially Modulated Fourier Transform Imaging Spectrometer(TSMFTIS)is a new imaging spectrometer without moving mirrors and slits.The interfe
【机 构】
BeiHang University,China
【出 处】
Temporally and Spatially Modulated Fourier Transform Imaging Spectrometer(TSMFTIS)is a new imaging spectrometer without moving mirrors and slits.The interferogram of the target point can be consisted by sequentially arranging the interference information extracted from the same target point of the sequential images,and the spectrum can be recovered by using fast Fourier transform.In the practical application,there is nonuniform sampling in the interference data,and many researchers have carried out researches on nonuniform sampling with the fast Fourier transform algorithm.As to the issue of interference data in the nonuniform sampling,the nonuniform sampling degrees impact on the recovered spectrum precision is currently and mainly analyzed.This paper has adapted several typical nonuniform fast Fourier transform(NUFFT)methods,carried out spectrum recovery precision comparison on the interferogram of the nonuniform sampling point with the above methods,and further analyzed the impact of kernel function type,oversampling ratio and kernel function widths on spectrum recovery precision in the abovementioned methods.The experiment result indicates that,when the oversampling ratio is 4 and the kernel function width is 4,the spectrum recovery precision with NUFFT based on Blackman type kernel function is optimal,however,the Gaussian kernel function is stable.
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摘 要: 在欣赏美术作品之时,最重要的就是对作品所处的时代进行了解,这样才能更加完美地了解这幅作品所要表达的思想,每一幅美术作品无论是技巧上、风格上还是色彩上都拥有当时所处时代的特征,并且每一幅作品的时代特征绝对不会出现在另外一个时代。所以在欣赏美术作品的时候,了解当时的时代性就显得尤为重要,而关于显性时代性和隐性时代性的研究则可以更好地帮助对美术作品的赏析与了解当时时代的特征。 关键词: 美术