【摘 要】
How to Identify Business Opportunities and Use Carbon Credits Background Energy Efficiency South Africa is the largest contributor to the African Continents
【机 构】
Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) South Africa
【出 处】
BIT`s 2nd Low Carbon Earth Summit-2012 2012第二届低碳科技大会
How to Identify Business Opportunities and Use Carbon Credits Background Energy Efficiency South Africa is the largest contributor to the African Continents GHG emissions.Due to the fact that South Africa has an extremely energy intensive economy and a very high dependence on coal for the generation of primary energy, South Africa is one of the most carbon emission-intensive countries in the World.This, coupled with historically low electricity prices, has resulted in substantial energy inefficiencies throughout the various sectors in our economy.South Africa could benefit substantially from the implementation of renewable energy to address the challenges towards clean energy, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation.Project Implementation Given the backdrop discussed above it was found that Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy were not business as usual in South Africa.The projects financial viability were not that attractive considering the fact that the alternative coal generated electricity was so cheap.In order to get this market of the ground it was important to understand and unlock the possibilities of accessing the potential Carbon Revenue streams associated with these clean energy production activities.
一年四季的睡眠讲究有什么不同?子午觉是什么?孩子睡不安的原因有哪些?知道了其中的因由,不愁孩子睡不好觉! 古人说,“吃人参不如睡五更”,可见睡眠的重要性。孩子更是如此,因为生长发育和睡眠关系很大,要不怎么说“孩子是在睡中长的”呢。顺应自然、顺应时节的睡眠,可以让孩子睡得更香、长得更好。 从春夏到秋冬 中医讲究天人合一,人要顺应自然。《素问 上古天真论》曰:“上古之人,其知道者,法于阴阳,
Electricity powered artificial lighting consumes significant proportions of electrical power generation, and is therefore a significant carbon dioxide produ
一、提出问题 最近,电视报纸都在报道:世界上一些国家和地区流行甲型H1N1流感,这种病传染性极强。甲型H1N1流感到底是怎么回事呢?怎样才能预防甲型H1N1流感呢?我对此进行了调查研究。 二、调查过程 我查阅报刊,收看电视新闻,上网查找相关的资料,还采访了医生,了解到更多有关甲型H1N1流感病毒的来源及有效预防措施。 三、得出结论 经过调查,我了解到甲型H1N1流感并不是那么可怕
女性到了更年期后,会逐渐出现衰老和退化现象。对于营养成分的要求也与以前不尽相同。美国专业医学网站WebMD为更年期女性如何补充各种营养素推荐了饮食指导方针,可供读者参考。 充足的钙:每天喝200~400毫升牛奶,多吃富含钙的食物。带骨的鱼(如罐装沙丁鱼)、绿花椰菜和豆类都含有大量的钙。50岁以上的妇女每天应该摄入1 200毫克钙。 铁的摄入:铁主要存在于瘦的红肉、家禽、鱼、蛋、绿叶蔬菜、坚果
This paper introduces the design and construction of steel sheet pile c