【摘 要】
Excessive salt consumption is known to be involved in the increment of blood pressure and then raise the risk of cardiovascular disease.However,previous stu
【机 构】
Department of Food Engineering and Solar Salt Biotechnology Research Center, Mokpo National Universi
Excessive salt consumption is known to be involved in the increment of blood pressure and then raise the risk of cardiovascular disease.However,previous studies have been performed using salts such as reagent salt,purified salt,or rock salt,all of which are lacking of minerals.There are various types of salts for food consumption.Some salts contain high contents of minerals such as potassium,calcium,magnesium,which are known to reduce the blood pressure.The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in the effects between a mineral-rih salt and mineral-deficient salt on blood pressure.
Effects of LOHENGRINTM Luo Han Guo Juice Concentrate (SE) and Luo Han Guo Mogrosides (SM) on the metabolism of lipids were studied in vivo.The hyperlipidemi
1月15日,中茶博2019 年的第一个固定党主题活动日在第二会议室举办,全体党员共同学习了习总书记在庆祝改革开放40周年大会上的讲话以及2019年新年贺词,党委书记吴晓力同志给
【摘 要】在党的群众路线教育实践活动中,作为企业的“总参谋部”,企业办公室的工作一旦脱离基层、脱离职工群众,必将成为脚无定根的墙上芦苇,不仅会丧失服务能力,难以做好工作,自身的思想也将偏离正确的轨道,丧失服务的资格。因此,积极参加党的群众路线教育实践活动,不仅是新形势下实现党的奋斗目标的需要,也是企业办公室与时俱进拓展工作新局面、进一步提升工作水平的需要。 【关键词】群众路线;办公室工作;提升水
Metabolic syndrome (MS) is characterized by insulin resistance,visceral obesity,and hypertension as well as by a cluster of diabetic atherosclerosis risk fa