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1804年3月21日颁布的法国民法典不仅仅是法国法律史上的里程碑,也是欧洲当代诸法典的奠基之作。旧法国的一些法学家梦想过一部法国旧私法的集合版本,以凝结习惯法地区和成文法的不同法律传统。制宪议会曾经许诺:“创造一部全国适用的民法法典”。为了实现这个理想,著名法学家康巴塞雷斯公爵(Jean-Jacques Cambceres,1753—1824)分别于1793、1794和1796年一连提出三个民法典方案,但接连被革命议会否决。在拿破仑·波拿巴的推动以及新政权中众多法学家的支持下,执政府终于成功地着手开始了法典的编纂。雾月政变的第二天,由特隆歇(Francois-Denis Tronchet,1723-1800)、波塔利斯(Jean-Etienne-MariePortalis,1745-1807)、普雷亚梅纽(Felix-Julien-Jean comte Bigot dePreameneu,1747-1825)与马勒维(Jacques Marquis de Maleville,1741-1824)四位法学家(其中除波塔利斯外均为最高法院大法官)组成的法典编纂委员会开始了为期五个月的永载史册的工作。这篇《开篇》,在某种意义上,揭示了在1800年8月到1801年2月由四人委员会所起草的法国民法典方案的整体动机。《开篇》为特隆歇、波塔利斯、普雷亚梅纽与马勒维四委员联署,实际上是由民法典立法讨论会议的负责人波塔利斯写成,该文跟民法典一样受他的“中庸哲学”的影响。对波塔利斯而言,立法者应当中庸:一部法典不应该把话全都说完,他应该留给法学家和法院解释的余地,这导致了以下的著名格言:“人民的法典是由时间所铸,而不是由我们创造”。《开篇》也同样是承前启后的一篇美文,她巩固了革命之后的稳定,也成为了促进法律渊源融合的纽带。为纪念法国民法典诞生200周年,法国政府特邀请著名法学家、参议员、前司法部长、前宪法委员会主席巴丹代尔(Robert Badinter)先生重新朗诵此《开篇》,以追思当年立法者的良苦用心。 The French Civil Code promulgated on March 21, 1804, is not only a milestone in the history of French law, but also the founding act of contemporary European legal codes. Some jurists in old France dreamed of a collection of versions of the French old private law, in order to condense the different legal traditions of customary law jurisdictions and statutes. The Constituent Assembly has promised: “to create a civil code applicable to the country.” In order to realize this ideal, the famous jurist Jean-Jacques Cambceres (1753-1824) proposed three civil code proposals in 1793, 1794 and 1796, respectively, but was successively rejected by the revolutionary parliament. With the support of Napoleon Bonaparte and the support of many jurists in the new regime, the government finally succeeded in embarking on the codification of the Code. On the second day of the Foggy Moon coup, Francois-Denis Tronchet (1723-1800), Jean-Etienne-Marie Portalis (1745-1807), Felix-Julien-Jean comte Bigot de Presneuneu, 1747-1825) and Jacques Marquis de Maleville (1741-1824), four jurists (all of whom were Supreme Court judges except Portalese) Months of permanent history book. This “opening,” in a sense, reveals the overall motivation of the French Civil Code program drafted by the Commission of Four in August 1800 to February 1801. “Opening” to Trongshen, Portales, Praia Meunu and Ma Lawei four commissioners, in fact, by the Legislative Assembly, Civil Code Legislative Assembly, Poseidon wrote this article with the Civil Code The same as his “Golden Mean Philosophy ” influence. For Portales, the legislator should be moderate: a code should not say it all, and he should leave room for jurists and courts to interpret it, leading to the well-known maxim: “The code of the people is Created by time, not by us. ” “Opening” is also a beautiful piece of text that has been opened up before. After she consolidated the stability after the revolution, she also became a link to promote the fusion of legal sources. To commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of the French Civil Code, the French government invited renowned jurist, Senator, former Attorney General and former Chairman of the Constitutional Commission, Robert Badinter, to re-read this “opening” Good intentions.
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