Therapeutic effects of endoscopic therapy combined with enteral nutrition on acute severe biliary pa

来源 :2015第八届全国ERCP学术研讨会暨第十一届中国西部国际治疗内镜高峰论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxcld
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  Background Acute severe biliary pancreatitis (ASBP) is a severe and fatal disease, and the expenditure is huge and therapeutic effects are still not satisfactory.This study aimed to improve the therapeutic effects and reduce the expenditure of ASBP treatment.Methods One hundred and five patients diagnosed with ASBP were referred to our department from January 2004 to July 2009, Diagnosis was based on the 2007 criteria of the Chinese Society of Surgery.Patients were divided into two groups;the E group: 50 patients who underwent endoscopic retrograde choledochopancreatography (ERCP) + endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) + endoscopic lithotripsy basket (ESR) +endoscopic retrograde biliary drainage (ERBD) and enteral nutrition (EN), and the R group: 55 patients who underwent traditional treatment without ERCP.Subsequently, subjective symptoms, signs, biochemical analysis, serum endotoxin, tumor necrosis factor α, grades by computed tomography (CT), cost of hospitalization and length of stay were compared between the two groups.Results All enrolled patients complied well with all therapeutic regimens.Endoscopic therapy that combined EN could significantly improve symptoms, clinical signs, laboratory values, tumor necrosis factor α and endotoxin while significantly reducing hospital expenditure and length of hospital stay.The experimental findings revealed that there were obvious advantages in the E group compared with the Rgroup.Conclusions Endoscopic therapy combined with EN is an effective, safe and economic therapeutic regimen of ASBP.
目的:探讨内镜对胆总管结石合并壶腹周围憩室治疗的价值. 方法:回顾分析该科1989年6月~2008年8月接受经内镜逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP)诊治患者6221例.其中,389例胆总管结石合并壶
目的:为探讨胆胰系统恶性肿瘤组织与端粒酶表达的关系,并在术前找出一种简便、安全、快速的早期诊断及鉴别良、恶性梗阻性黄疸的方法. 方法:对梗阻性黄疸病例于术前行内镜逆
Mirizzi综合征(Mirizzi syndrome,MD)是以胆囊颈部或胆囊管结石嵌顿致肝、胆总管狭窄或梗阻,并发胆管炎、黄疸和肝功能损害为特征的临床少见综合征.MD是胆囊结石的少见并发症
内窥镜鼻胆管引流术(Endoscopic nasobiliary drainage,ENBD)是在内镜逆行胆胰管造影术(Endo-scopic Retrograde cholangiopancreatography,ERCP)和内镜乳头括约肌切开术(End
内窥镜鼻胆管引流(Endoscopic nasobiliary drainage,ENBD)作为胆道疾病新的治疗方法已广泛应用于临床,近年随着溶石疗法的进展,ENBD作为局部灌注化学药物溶解胆结石的途径而
  AIM: To compare non-liquid and clear-liquid diets, and to assess whether the latter is the optimal treatment for mild acute pancreatitis.METHODS: The Cochra