文化在英语学习与涉外交际中,既是难点,亦是关键。中、美文化差异的根源之一是价值取向的不同。中国的价值取向为群体文化 (collectivism orientation);美国为个体文化 (individualism orientation)。不同的价值取向导致了两种文化的人民交际方式的种种不同。本文旨在研究两种文化 (群体文化、个体文化 )对言语行为的影响。涉及的主要言语行为有问候、道歉 (策略及回答 )、恭维告别、致谢 (及回答 )等。对每一种言语行为中、美之间的差异进行详细比较与分析。通过这种比较与分析,以及对群体、个体文化的深层分析,培养英语学习者的自觉的文化意识,将文化因素融入英语学习与交际中。
Culture is both difficult and critical in English learning and foreign communication. One of the causes of cultural differences between China and the United States is the difference in value orientation. China’s value orientation is collectivism orientation; the United States is individualism orientation. Different values have led to different ways of communicating with people of both cultures. The purpose of this article is to study the influence of two cultures (group culture, individual culture) on speech acts. The main verbal actions involved are greetings, apologies (strategies and replies), compliments, thanks (and answers), etc. For each speech act, the differences between the United States and a detailed comparison and analysis. Through this kind of comparison and analysis, as well as the deep analysis of group and individual culture, it cultivates the conscious cultural awareness of English learners and integrates cultural factors into English learning and communication.