Molecular Dynamics Studies on the Growth and Structural Properties of Hydrogenated DLC Films

来源 :Fifth International Conference on Surface Engineering(第五届表面工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linchenxu
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  The novel frictional properties of hydrogenated DLC (Diamond-like Carbon) films have been reported for nearly ten years.But up to now,researchers still haven't known the exact mechanism resulting in the super-low frictional performance of hydrogenated DLC films.Especially they have little knowledge on the molecular configuration and structural properties of these kinds of films.In this paper,CH3 radicals are selected as source species to deposit DLC films on diamond (100) by molecular dynamics simulation.Different impact energies have been used to deposit films.Results show hydrogenated DLC films can be successfully obtained when impact energy is in an appropriate scope that is no less than 20 eV.The depositing orocesses involve imoinging diamond surface and bonding procedure.
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地方社保 悄悄上路  据了解 ,地方社保对外委托投资一般是通过旗下的独立法人机构———企业年金中心进行。但由于全国各地地方社保发展层次参差不齐 ,地方社保管理体制也
摘要:面对新形势下的大学英语四六级改革,以往的大学英语教学不适应新的改革要求,在对学生英语综合能力的培养方面存在一些问题,其中较为突出的是对学生思辨能力培养的缺失。拟对大学英语教学中学生思辨能力的培养这一问题进行阐述、分析和探讨。  关键词:四六级考试改革;思辨能力;思辨能力培养  中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-0079(2014)32-0054-02 
  Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films have proven quite advantageous in many tribological applications due to their low friction coefficient.However,the poor adhe
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