Application and Prospect of Pressure Swing Adsorption in China

来源 :The 6th International Conference on Separation and Technolog | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:glory001
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  The paper reviews the development and popularization of pressure swing adsorption (PSA) in China,mainly in Sichuan Tianyi Science and Technology Co.Ltd (CTYC).The key technologies and main application fields of PSA technology under research are presented.Because of economic and reliable operation,low energy requirements and environment-friendly [1],PSA has attracted increasing interest for more and more gas separation processes.CTYC (formerly Southwest Research and Design Institute of Chemical Industry),is the first PSA research institution in China for helium purification by PSA in 1972.Small-scale PSA plants were industrialized in 1980,while the first homemade large-scale PSA-H2 plants of 50000Nm3/h have been put into production successfully in 1996.There fiom,many large-scale PSA plants in China are homemade by CTYC [2].At present,CTYC has become the leading organization that spec ially conducting R&D of PSA engineering technology and has marketed the most PSA plant in China.CTYC has popularized and manufactured more than 1000 PSA systems in the gas separation fields,including the worlds largest PSA-H2 plant of feed gas 340000 Nm3/h and product hydrogen H2 280000 Nm3/h with 99.9% purity and 90% recovery rate in Shenhua Group.
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