ILLIAD Project: Sustainable, Local or Localised, Innovative Food Chains

来源 :The XVI International Symposium on Apricot Breeding and Cult | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ananjuben
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  ILLIAD(2012-2015),a French national project,aims to propose a set of indicators on the system sustainability(sustainable food system,local agri-food systems,food chain analysis).Then the ILLIAD's practical cases allow to test the set of indicators in three typical trajectories of constructing sustainable food chains such as chain innovation(stone fruits),chain differentiation(rice)and territorial embedding(wheat).
  Apricots are climacteric fruits characterized by a fast ripening process after harvest.To avoid fruit quality losses during storage,transport and distributi
本文采用循环伏安法、稳态极化曲线法、计时电量法等电化学测试手段,研究了取代基的种类及位置对硝基电还原行为的影响;同时还考察了酸度对取代硝基化合物电还原的影响。 研
  Apricot is one of the main cultivated trees in north China.It plays an important role in fruit market at the end of spring and the beginning of summer,and i
  Accompany with the development of economy and the change of human living form,peoples demand on fruit quality,safety,diversity and health care was increasin
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  The rooting ability of rootstocks M29C,Pumiselect and Ishtara propagated by hardwood cuttings and the vigor they induce to the scions of four apricot cultiv
  The progresses of plum and apricot cultivated areas,production,yield changes in Liaoning province since 2004 were analyzed and studied,with developments of
1952年10月26日下午至10月30日午后,身为共和国主席的毛泽东于国事繁忙中拨冗剔芜,抽暇到山东进行游览。所到之处怀古评今,谈笑风生。据考,此系毛泽东生前以4天光阴畅游祖国胜地古迹之绝无仅有者。故特志之,以飨读者。    下榻省府济南    1952年10月26日早上8时许,山东省公安厅厅长李士英接到罗瑞卿电话,罗时任国家公安部部长,电话由天津打来,称:“有位中央负责同志今天下午来济南,请你到