
来源 :乙醛醋酸化工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:connine_li
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11月上旬,为规范现代煤化工建设项目环境管理,环保部组织编制了《现代煤化工建设项目环境准入条件(征求意见稿)》,并面向中石化、神华等9家单位征求意见。2015年1月实施新版《环境保护法》以来,环境影响评价报告的审批已经成为新建煤化工项目的关键,多个大型项目未能通过环评审批。环保问题是煤化工产业投资进入冰冻期的重要因素之一。此次《现代煤化工建设项目环境准入条件》的落实,将有 In early November, in order to standardize the environmental management of the construction project of modern coal chemical industry, the Ministry of Environmental Protection organized the preparation of “Environmental Access Requirements for Modern Coal Chemical Industry Construction Project (Draft for Exposure)” and solicited opinions from nine units including Sinopec and Shenhua. Since the implementation of the new Environmental Protection Law in January 2015, the approval of the environmental impact assessment report has become the key to the new coal chemical project. Many large-scale projects failed to pass the EIA approval. Environmental protection is one of the important factors that the coal chemical industry invests into the freezing period. The “modern coal chemical construction project environmental access conditions,” the implementation, there will be
离子交换膜是全钒氧化还原液流电池(钒电池,VRB)关键材料之一其性能在很大程度上决定了电池的性能和寿命。Nafion (Dupont)和磺化聚醚醚酮(sPEEK)是当前VRB中广泛使用的两种隔膜。这两种隔膜虽然具有较好的化学稳定性和优良的电化学性能,但用于VRB时都存在钒离子渗透严重、水渗透严重和电池长时间循环时电解液容易失衡等问题。传统改性方法一般使用单一功能的修饰物来对两种复合膜进行改性,以提