Hazard Characterization and Radiological Investigation of Specific Local Ecosystem Arised on the NOR

来源 :第七届国际天然放射性物质研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenlingqiang6268047
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  European Commission made a statement in February 2000 regarding the use of precautionary Precautionary principle is explicitly laid down in the EU treaty and is one of the starting points of its environmental policy.European Commission made a statement in February 2000 regarding the use of precautionary principle indicating that principle should be applied where there is a reasonable suspicion of the existence of a health or environmental risk.Furthermore,the Commission indicates that measures based on the precautionary principle should not be aimed at completely precluding any risk; it assumes that such an effort is unrealistic.Decades of industrialization and extensive exploitation of natural resources have left certain number of areas in the country heavily polluted.It is essential that old environmental burdens left behind by past state-controlled industry be addressed: problems that were once (theoretically) the governments have now been transferred over to new owners,in most cases without clear specification of environmental responsibility.Old environmental contaminated industrial sites often represent a serious risk for humans who live in or near the polluted/contaminated areas,because of either their direct negative impact on the human health or,indirectly,through pollutants in the food chain production.One of the measures based on the precautionary principle is hazard characterization of the site enabling the acceptable remediation program to be laid down.The site of interest was heavily polluted with coal sludge and fly ash originating from a local industrial power plant.Coal burned had high content of NORM.The precipitation tailing dam was constructed direct at the sea costal line separated from the direct sea water influence with the simple but firm stone made wall preventing the precipitated sludge the direct impact with the sea water.Around seven years after the last amount of sludge was pumped to be precipitated in the tailing dam the radiological characterization due the assumed high TENORM content of the sludge was initiated in order to collect the comprehensive radiological data for the remediation program of the whole chemical industrial site.The plant was closed.No human activities were performed nearby the tailing dam and the site was during this period left on its own.The totally independent micro ecological terrestrial system was generated on the precipitation tailing surface.The biota (flora) developed on the ground consisting only of the TENORM coal sludge and ash was a research challenge in order to acquire as many as possible relevant radiological data about biota behavior while populating the site,growing and feeding itself exclusively with the nutrients incorporated in TENOM sludge and fallout.The impact of the terrestrial flourishing biota with the sea water life immediately at the coastal tailing dam protecting wall is investigated too.The project is in progress and some of the preliminary radiological data on biota developed are presented.Research is targeted towards the knowledge collection about the local Meditteranean biodiversity and micro biota systems which can be used during the remediation processes of this specific TENORM polluted site.The results are expected to be helpful while investigating the technological attributes of coal sludge and ash TENORM to be reused in other products despite of its enhanced natural radioactivity burden.
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