
来源 :中国中西医结合麻醉学会年会暨第二届全国中西医结合麻醉学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a234917658
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  目的:机械通气(MV)在临床应用愈加重要,已经成为临床救治急重症患者必不可少的治疗手段之一。然而,机械通气对患者呼吸系统乃至全身生理产生的影响也逐渐引起临床医生越来越多的关注。机械通气所致肺损伤(ventilator-induced lung injury,VILI)是最常见并发症之一,相关临床表现为肺间质水肿、纵隔气肿、气胸、空气栓塞等。其可能发生机制研究甚广,包括通气过程中形成的容积伤和气压伤等机械性损伤,促炎介质释放与抗炎介质失衡、氧化与抗氧化平衡状态的破坏、细胞表面分子构象改变、细胞骨架重塑等生物性损伤。随着机械通气所致肺损伤(VILI)发病机制逐步前面、深入的研究,人们对采取一些列预防和治疗措施,包括保护性通气策略、抗炎药物的应用、抗氧化治疗等机械通气介导的肺损伤主要的病理生理表现为炎性反应和炎性细胞浸润。研究表明抗CD11c抗体依法朱单抗具有抑制T细胞活化,转移和角蛋白细胞的粘附,从而抑制机械通气肺损伤炎性反应,我们设想其具有机械通气肺损伤保护作用。
There are few methods to evaluate the state whether cancer cells are cleared up after chemotherapy, and the connection between the origin of cancer stem cells and chemotherapeutic treatments is poorly
Postmenopausal osteoporosis (PMO) has been recognized as an inflammatory condition.CD4+ T cell has a key role in the interaction between bone and immune system.
Background: Studies have proved LPS preconditioning could induce protection against brain inflammatory injury to a subsequent harmful stimulus.
Background: T-cell immunoglobulin-and mucin-domain-containing moleculel-4 (TIM-4), a novel immune regulator, is selectively expressed on antigen presenting cells, especially on macrophages and mature
Experimental autoimmune neuritis (EAN) is the animal model of human acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradicu-loneuropathies (AIDP), an auto-immune inflammatory demyelination disease of the peripher
Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccines are attenuated live strains of Mycobacterium bovis and are among the most widely used vaccines in the world.
Background: Hepatitis B vaccine immunization is the only effective measure for prevention of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) infection.However many defects, including the weak response or even nonresponse in
Purpose: The aim of this study was to predict the T-cell and B-cell epitopes in Major Outer Membrane Protein (MOMP) ofChlamydia trachomatis (C.trachomatis) by using online software, and also analysis
目的:观察经皮穴位电刺激抑制老年患者全麻气管插管反应的效果.方法:选择40例全麻气管插管老年患者(>65岁),ASA Ⅰ~Ⅱ级,随机分为两组.A组(对照组):选择双侧合谷、内关、曲池穴位贴上电极但不给予电刺激;B组(经皮穴位电刺激组):合谷、内关、曲池穴位贴上电极采用2/100Hz疏密波交替、强度8-12mA电刺激.