Shaping of Ceramics by Selective Laser Melting of Powder and Fast Laser Machining of Green Bodies, 2

来源 :The 5th International Congress on Ceramics, ICC5(第五届国际陶瓷大会) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangliubaobao
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  Laser processes are contactless technologies allowing to reach high energy densities and high precision.Laser additive manufacturing allows the production of parts with complex shapes for metal and polymer materials.Unfortunately,results are less convincing for ceramics as a consequence of their properties such as high refractoriness,low shock resistance and brittleness.Laser additive manufacturing by selective laser sintering or melting(SLS/SLM)of a ceramic powder bed is still a process under development.Today,the main critical issue is the low laser absorption of oxide ceramics in the near IR region(typically for Nd: YAG laser).
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