An Electron cyclotron emission (ECE) diagnostic has the unique capability of continuous measurement of the time evolution of the electron temperature profile.So an ECE system is necessary to be developed for electron temperature maasurement on J-TEXT tokamak,with the major radius R is l.05m,the minor radius a is 0.27m,plasma current Ip,is 200kA,toroidal field B0 is 2.0T.The choice of the 2nd harmonic X-mode electron cyclatron emission,propagating perpendicular to the magnetic field,represents the best compromise between good optical thickness (which assures radial localization of the measurement) and short wavelength (which assures both poloidal and radial localization).A 16-channel heterodyne radiometer system is being built on J-TEXT which the frequency coverage range of the 16-channel heterodyne radiometer system is 94 GHz (r/a = 0.74) to 125 GHz(r/a= 0.40).