佛手瓜(Sechium edule Sw),又名合掌瓜、番椽瓜。原产墨西哥及中美洲热带地区,是半阴性,喜温,不耐寒,但要求昼夜温差较大的多年生宿根蔬菜。经分析,每100克鲜瓜中含碳水化合物4.9%、蛋白蛋0.5%、脂肪0.1%、纤维素3%、灰份2.3%、钙50毫克、磷32毫克、铁4毫克、核黄素0.01毫克、抗坏血酸13毫克。瓜可供炒、煮、醃渍、脆嫩可口,也是酒席拼盘的好菜肴。其嫩稍及多年生地下贮存块根也可煮食或加工淀粉。病虫害少,是理想的无公害蔬菜。一般株产200~250公斤,高的可达500公斤。供应期长,从5月上旬至12月上旬,8~9月为盛瓜期。对缓和蔬菜淡季起着很大作用。
Chayote (Sechium edule Sw), also known as co-melon, Fan rave melon. Originating in the tropical regions of Mexico and Central America, is semi-negative, Hi-temperature, not cold, but requires a large temperature difference between day and night perennial vegetables. The analysis showed that every 100 grams of fresh melon contains 4.9% of carbohydrates, egg 0.5%, fat 0.1%, cellulose 3%, ash 2.3%, calcium 50 mg, phosphorus 32 mg, iron 4 mg, riboflavin 0.01 Mg, ascorbic acid 13 mg. Melon for fried, boiled, pickled, crisp and delicious, but also a good dish platter assortment. Its tender and perennial underground storage roots can also cook or process starch. Less pests and diseases, is the ideal pollution-free vegetables. General strains produce 200 ~ 250 kg, high up to 500 kg. Long-term supply, from early May to early December, 8 to September for the melon period. To ease the off-season vegetables play a big role.