De-novo assembly and characterization of Chlorella minutissima UTEX2341 transcriptome by paired-end

来源 :福建省海洋学会2014年学术年会暨福建省科协第十四届学术年会分会场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longshentailang
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  Chlorella minutissima is considered as one promising feedstock for biofuels in the future.Here,the transcriptome from oil-rich strain UTEX2341 of C.minutissima was generated based on Illumina paired-end sequencing.Through de-novo assembly,14,905 total isogenes was obtained and compacted into 6,216 unigenes.80%of unigenes were assigned with GO terms and further subdivided into 55 sub-categories.KEGG analysis showed that 37.2%of unigenes could be accessed and mapped into 278 pathways.Interestingly,genes encoding key enzymes involved in biosynthesis,elongation,and metabolism of fatty acids were identified,including malonyl-CoA-ACP transacylase,3-ketoacyl-ACP synthase,3-ketoacyl-ACP reductase,and others.Moreover,the genes involved in triacylglycerol (TAG) biosynthesis and metabolism also were found.Therefore,the transcriptome analysis of C.minutissima UTEX2341 not only supplies a comprehensive insight into the molecular pathway involved in biosynthesis of biofuels precursors,but also provides substantial valuable genomic resources to accelerate further development and utilization of biofuels.
[摘 要]无功补偿在供电系统中起提高电电网的功率因数的作用,降低供电变压器及输送线路的损耗,提高供电效率,改善供电环境。所以无功功率补偿装置在电力供电系统中处在一个不可缺少的非常重要的位置。合理的选择补偿装置,可以做到最大限度的减少网络的损耗,使电网质量提高。反之,如选择或使用不当,可能造成供电系统,电压波动,谐波增大等诸多因素。  [关键词]智能电网;无功补偿;力率调整电费  中图分类号:TM7
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