Effects on drought stress of relative species of sweetpotato physiological and biochemical character

来源 :江苏省遗传学会2015年学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq969023319
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  Drought stress is in agricultural production in china even all over the world are often facing the worldwide problem,make the output of crop production and quality are limited,so far this problem,water stress has become the current must solve the problem.Ipomoea trifida(Kunth)G.Don(2n=2x=30)is one of the ancestors of a sweetpotato,high-drought resistance.However,the drought-resistant physiological mechanism is still not reported.In this study,by the method of the simulated-drought water culture,with 30%concentrations of PEG-6000,effects of drought stress on wild relatives of sweetpotato seedling leaf physiological and biochemical indexes.
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