A Trust Management Scheme Based on Behavior Feedback for Opportunistic Networks

来源 :第八届中国可信计算与信息安全学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aibang027123456
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  In the harsh environment where node density is sparse.the slow-moving nodes cannot effectivelv utilize the encountering opportunities to realize the self-organized identity authentications.and do not have the chance to join the network routing However.considering most of the communcationsin opportunistic networks are caused bv forwarding operations.there is no need to establish the complete mutual authentications for each conversation Accordingly.a novel trust management scheme is presented based on the information of behavior feedback.in order to complement the insufficiencv of identitv authentications Bv uhlizing the certificate chains based on social attributes.the mobile nodes build the local certificate graphs gradually to realize the web of "Identitv Trust- relationshhip.Meanwhile.the successors generate Verified Feedback Packets for each positive behavior.and consequently the -Behavior Trust- relationship is formed for slow-moving nodes Simulation result shows that.by implementing our trust scheme.the delivery probability and trust reconstruction ratio can be effectively improved when there are large numbers of compromised nodes.and it means that our trust management scheme can efficiently explore and filter the trust nodes for secure forwarding in opportunistic networks.
云计算是当前IT领域正在发生的深刻变革,它在提高使用效率和降低使用成本的同时,带来了极大的安全挑战,其中隐私保护问题首当其冲.分析了云计算中隐私风险产生原因,指出了云计算中隐私保护应解决的关键问题,回顾并总结了当前国内、外在云隐私保护领域的主流技术及研究现状,探讨了云隐私保护领域仍然存在的问题并对未来研究方向进行了展望. 安全和隐私一直是云计算领域中的热点及关键问题,尽管近些年国内外学者
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